Did you know, that you can actually make money if you think that you can make it!
sounds strange but believe it or not people who have studied millionaires have found out that making money is more about what you think about money than anything else.
Here are our Top 5 picks from the millionaire project
sounds strange but believe it or not people who have studied millionaires have found out that making money is more about what you think about money than anything else.
Here are our Top 5 picks from the millionaire project
- Money is no evil.
- it's great to have money and you must admit it that you love money!
- Your mind is not programmed to think like a millionaire you need to programme it.
- Making money is a choice
- Know what is your real asset and what are your actual liabilities
The documentary is a must watch
Money management coaches like Brian Tracy, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, T Harv Eker, Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Lee Brower, John Demartini etc. have contributed to the documentary
watch it here