Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Big data is defining "Business Stratergy" . ambitionprep spotlight post

We have all heard about how "Big Data" is really the "Big Thing" but is it big enough to change how the business strategy works?

We bet you that this talk will actually make you rethink how strategy is no more about what it use it be, with big data impact on cost and comfort of operating scalability and profitability!

Philip Evans argues the traditional model of business strategy and explains how exactly the "Big Data" or Emerging technologies play an important role in transforming  "Business strategy" 

Watch Philip's talk.

About Ambitionprep Spotlight 
We at ambitionprep believe in spreading thoughts which inspires our quest to share wisdom and knowledge we have started posting blogs on existing wisdom on the internet which can help our learners and readers to discover new perspectives and share it further.#LearnWithAmbition

Do you agree with Philip's take on big data ?

Hell yes !
Does seem like it will happen .
It's not going to work 1
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